double-date dinner with 2 of my friends (bf & gf), and my date, henceforward called “date”, because yes, I really AM that creative... bf and gf are good friends of mine was super excited to do the double-date thing since i had scrounged up a date that i had been out with a bunch of times before so it wouldn’t be awkward.
gf and i head to the restaurant since bf is stuck in traffic coming in from nj, while date comes in from one of those boroughs to which i generally do not travel...
outside the cheap, yet trendy thai restaurant i run into 2 of my coworkers, which is a combination of “good to see you (because i actually like them)’ and “wow, kinda awkward to see you out in the real world”... but anyway, they go inside, we go inside, and we’re both put at tables on opposite ends of the restaurant (but not without an annoyed look from the hostess when we inform her we need a table for 4 since 2 more will be joining us shortly...)
we sit down and i can’t help but notice that 2 out of the 3 people DIRECTLY next to us look awfully familiar… turns out one of the guys was in a bunch of college dance classes with me, but from where did I know the other??? and then CRAP! yes, ladies and gentlemen, i hooked up/went out once with the guy sitting less than 5 feet from me. super.
but it gets better. this particular guy took me on 2 dates. this 1st date was kinda bad, but i gave him another shot, which he promply blew by trying to come home with me and not taking "no" very well. he then he proceeded to STALK me for the next month or so, actually earning the nickname “stalker S____”… so needless to say, i was NOT pleased to see him. so i ignored him and avoided eye contact. but when he got up to leave, i was reaching into my purse hanging over my chair and… CRAP! eye contact! NOOOO!!!
he says “hey” and i politely acknowledge him, and he starts to chat and tries to reach down and hug me. so i stand up (rather artfully avoiding the hug) and also smile at the dancer boy who smiles back. so, attempting to end this conversation say “ok, well good to see you, better get back to my food” and try to sit down. but i guess, in his world, that’s just woman-speak for “keep talking to me”
because he says, and i quote:
“yeah, well, i’m sure you’re on a date right now, but can i get your number?”
and pulls out his iphone and unlocks it, waiting…
my totally agog response?!
“good to see you, maybe i’ll see you around.”
and i promptly sit back down.
WHAT THE HELL?!?!? i mean, who the hell asks for a woman’s number WHILE she’s on a date?!?! especially one who’s CLEARLY not interested… and if you don’t have my number, i probably want it that way…
luckily my date wasn’t put off by the whole thing and we all had a good laugh.
end of story.
or so i thought...
the next day i checked my email and had a facebook message from him – a message sent the night before! which means he came home and immediately messaged me . ewwww… i mean, can this guy not take a hint?!? it’s really no big deal since i just ignored the message, but then i had to deal with messages from him again and again over the next few days.
so there are 2 options:
1) he honestly didn't get that i wasn't interested (which would make him an absolute IDIOT! and i know the guy might be lame, but not that dumb)
2) he really thought that he could, by mere persistence, score another date. (fyi: baaaad idea...)
either way, YUCK. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! if i'm not responding to you, and i don't look happy to see you, I'M JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!
where is the "she's just not that into you" edition??? apparently guys can be just as clueless...
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