Thursday, May 14, 2009

You again?


... DUDE.

So yeah, I've been seeing Rocket Scientist quite a bit. In a sort of "sad-that-I'm-leaving-but-we'll-make-the-best-of-it-even-though-he-doesn't-know-I'm-not-that-into-it-kind-of-way."

Oh yeah, I'm leaving the city, and moving on to the next city for Grad School. This is exciting.


In a completely different subject... I went out for drinks with an old acquaintance from college. I use that word because... he was really a friend of a friend of a friend. He comes here fairly regularly on business. He's 23 and he's briefing a fairly prominent Agency on computer security. He's kind of a big deal. But a cool kid, very smart, and moving to the same city as me very soon. Always good to network.

So. I don't really know if we're on a date or not. I assume we are because he pays for everything.

But before I can assess this, we are deciding which bar to go to - the Irish pub, or the Microbrewery with 100000 different kinds of beer. We go with the microbrewery, get carded, and as I walk in, I run STRAIGHT into Owen.

OWEN!?!?!?!? Owen who I have hung out with twice in my life. Owen, who i stayed up hours upon hours into the morning talking about everything under the sun. Owen, who texted me constantly for a few weeks, usually resulting in NOTHING, and infuriated me beyond belief. Owen, who I FINALLY met up with for a second time, smoked tons of cigarettes, hung out in the random tent he set up in his loft bedroom, and then took a 4am candlelit bubble bath while smoking even MORE cigarettes before retiring to further shenanigans I was barely awake enough to entertain.


Fuck. That. Guy.

Owen got deleted from my phone. Owen got defriended from facebook.

Fuck. Owen.

I'm with my date, and he obviously senses something is up from the staredown he just witnessed between Owen and myself. Literally, I said NOTHING to the guy. We saw each other, recognized we knew each other, I kind of glared at him, and then walked straight to the back of the HUGE bar we were in.

Moments later, I got a text from him. Yeah, I deleted his number, but I KNEW it was him. All it said was "Trouble."

I waited until my date was in the bathroom, or elsewhere (hey - i didn't want to be the dick who was texting on her cell phone all night... though after texting two of my besties the news of seeing O, I was obviously blowing up thenceforth.) and responded with "you again."

And then heard nothing from him the rest of the night. What a douche. Though part of me wants to think that if he wanted to meet up, I'd tell him to eff himself. And another part of me thinks that I'd have ditched the new guy and met up with the asshole.... because that was some intense shit that you don't just forget so easily. UGGGHHHH..

So then I had to explain, in moderation and with major editing, the circumstances of my relationship with that guy. Because not everyone gets the death stare and walk-away without some sort of explanation.

God I wish O wasn't such a gameplayer. What a jerk.

... Why do I want to see him again immediately?

til next time,


1 comment:

  1. Yikes. Just when you thought you'd get out of DC with a clean get away...
    :( ~H
